Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

Going online

Whilst we always prefer to meet clients in person when it is legal, safe and economic to do so, we are committed to being able to deliver as many training and consultancy services as possible over the internet. We now have robust onboarding, admin, delivery and feedback systems for training and have converted all the training materials for an entire social enterprise start up course to a flexible, online format, with more workshops and courses to follow.

We have also secured funding from and have entered into a partnership with Platform 6 to convert our most popular consultancy tool, the Development Needs Analysis for a Start-up Group from a spreadsheet to an online tool. The aim is to in due course develop a suite of online tools that any co-operative development worker can use once they have set up an account.

As per our Open Source Policy [pdf], insights gained from aggregated data from the use of these tools will be shared with registered users.

Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014

 No. 30714R 

Registered address: 1-3 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AA
VAT Reg. No. GB550027678
DUNS 218127940

UKPRN 10028405
MLR Reg. No. 12704615
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