Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

Writing a Business Plan

Business planning is of great value. It enables everyone involved to think through the best shape of the business in the future. It provides the means by which informed support and commitment can be gained from owners, stakeholders, workers, investors, lenders and suppliers. It is the benchmark against which actual performance can be judged and suppositions about the market, costs of production and pace of development checked and revised. Of course, if you are staring at a blank piece of paper where you need a cogent description of the business, robust financial prokections and a sustainable implementation plan to appear those benefits might seem a tad theoretical. In just one work day CAN will work directly with you to provide a template suitable for your particular business and work through with you how to carry out the business planning process making sure that the process is underway, that there are no blank pieces of paper left in any of those sections, and that you are left with a development process that you are confident to take forward. Of course further support, should you need it, is available under our Business Planning Support and Consultancy service.

Free downloads:

Writing a Business Plan (.pdf)

Interactive Business Planning Tool (.odt)

Interactive Business Planning Tool (.doc)


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