•Do you want to find out more about the rights and responsibilities
of Directors?
•Do you need to know how to meet those responsibilities
Delivered to hundreds of co-operators since 2000, an evolution of the highly
acclaimed New Directors Training Day, this course of four training days focuses on
the knowledge and skills needed by Directors of co-operatives.
•Designed for members of co-operatives incorporated both as Companies
Limited by Guarantee and Industrial & Provident Societies as standard. Other
legal forms (e.g. CICs) can also be catered for.
•Suitable for delivery to new or existing directors or members of both
established and new co-ops.
•Perfect as a component of an Induction / Probationary Membership process,
as a refresher / update for experienced co-operators, or as a team builder for
a whole co-operative.
•Can be bought as a comprehensive programme or as individual days on a
“pick-n-mix” basis. It can be delivered to a single co-operative or to a group of
people drawn from several co-ops.
•Examines the Directors’ role in the effective management of a co-operative. It
provides guidance, tips and tricks to help you achieve success and
sustainability for your co-operative. It delivers effectiveness gains and
efficiency savings for your business – fast.
•Can be used to generate / review Job Descriptions for Members, Directors,
Company secretary and key management roles in your Co-operative.
Day 1: Introductory training day for co-operative members
Explores the effective management of a co-op. By the end of the session, you will
have the knowledge to play an active role as co-operative member and/or Director.
•Co-ops and the co-operative movement
•Rights of members in co-operative structures
•The role of Director of a co-operative
•The need to keep records and report
•Key elements of financial reports
•Effective participation in meetings
Day 2: Finance and financial management for co-operative directors
Looks at the financial management of the co-operative in more detail. Analytical and
predictive financial tools are revealed and explained.
•Financial terms and concepts
•Financial Controls
•Understanding financial reports
•Business Planning and Risk Analysis
•Legal requirements of financial management
•Demystifying terms like
accruals, WIP
•Detecting warning signs
Day 3: Company Secretaries and Regulatory bodies
Explores the relationships the Company Secretary has to maintain within the body
corporate and with regulatory bodies. Focuses on “keeping it legal”. Can also be
used as the basis for the development of a job description for the Company
•The Company Secretary’s role
•Their relationship to the Directors and Members of a co-operative
•Regulatory Bodies
•Statutory forms, registers and annual returns
•Governing documents and secondary rules
•The Company Secretary as a positive influence on the democracy and
management of a co-operative
Day 4: Co-operation, democracy and meeting skills
Provides guidance and practical tips on how to preserve and encourage effective
democratic management of the co-operative. Explores promotion of participation at
member and director levels. Introduces consensus, negotiation and conflict
•The benefits of an active and functioning democracy
•How to enable and encourage participation
•Understanding and recognising differences in opinion
•Meeting effectiveness
•Decision making processes
•Planning for implementation
•Secondary rules
•Changing practice