Co-operative Assistance Network Limited


CAN has assisted community energy co-operatives to set-up, launch their first share offer and then move on to further share offers. In addition, CAN has also worked with suppliers to the renewable industry: significant support has been provided to sector suppliers R-Eco, Bristol Area Solar Installers' Co-operative and to Energy Development Co-operative.

CAN helps community groups wanting to set up a renewable energy scheme to incorporate as a Registered Co-operative Society - either as a Bona Fide Co-op or as a Community Benefit Society.

Having chosen the best organisational structure, CAN assists these community energy schemes to work up their business plan and financial model. But it does not end at that point, there is a need to support the governance systems, the quality systems and even the HR as the business plans for growth.

The following CAN services are of particular use to Energy Co-ops as they start and then grow:

With some services like bookkeeping and year-end, CAN has moved from providing direct support, to finance training and then to providing financial management consultancy on an as needed basis. Our services have developed over time with a flexibility that ensures our clients have the level of support they need and the level of independence they want.

We also have a financial projection model that is tailored to community energy schemes. With 25-year projections for cash-flow, profit & loss and balance sheet, there is a compact input sheet with all the parameters you will need and a three easy-to-print sheets that provide you with a summary of assumptions and results all ready for working up your community share offer. A CAN development worker will take you through the inputting of data, analysis of the data and developing 'what-if' scenarios.

In addition, an Über-model has been developed for energy co-ops, where the headline results from the projections for each project over time are put into a financial model of the central core of the enterprise. This enables long-term business planning, efficient use of capital raised (through planned recycling of capital between projects) and organisational feasibility testing. It also give budget v actual quarterly report so that progress against long range projections can be monitored and adjustments to plans made where necessary.

This whole package of financial projections for energy projects and the Über-model for the energy co-op starts at £2,500.

To make an enquiry please contact our Energy Trade Sector Team Leader Brian Titley at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014

 No. 30714R 

Registered address: 1-3 Gloucester Road, Bristol, BS7 8AA
VAT Reg. No. GB550027678
DUNS 218127940

UKPRN 10028405
MLR Reg. No. 12704615
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