This service helps you establish whether or not your idea for an enterprise or project is a feasible proposition. If it is not, there is no point in proceeding with the idea as it stands. Until feasibility is established do not waste your time, energy or money on acquiring resources or detailed planning, let alone registering a legal entity such as a company.
A feasibility assessment (or feasibility study) is not the same as a business plan. The feasibility study says what can be done and identifies areas where you need to find external help and specifies exactly what support you require.
When the time comes to write the business plan, which will say how things should be done, the starting points for much of the content will come from the feasibility study.
To carry out this assessment, we make sure that every aspect of the proposition is evaluated. We look for evidence that supports the primary assertion, compile it, identify critical factors, gaps and shortcomings, draw conclusions and make recommendations.
The assessment will cover:
This service will be charged at our rates for consultancy. The time it takes will vary greatly from case to case but the charge will be agreed in advance. The tool that we use for this work is subject to continuous improvement and is optimised for efficiency, and our consultants are experts in this field. This keeps costs down and helps make this service affordable for smaller enterprises.
Our Feasibility Assessment Product Area Team Leader is TBA.