Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

Team Healing and Conflict Resolution workshop

A dysfunctional management team that is unable to address its own problems can threaten the survival of a company. Outside help must be found to bring about a recovery. This practical, interactive, facilitating working is designed to help a team with deep-rooted problems identify solutions to those problems and make a strategic action plan for recovery and sustainability.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the workshop, the students should be able to:

  • Describe dysfunctionalities that can occur within teams
  • Use techniques for conflict resolution
  • Demonstrate an understanding of principled negotiation
  • Describe and implement solutions to achieve better team working

Workshop Duration

This dynamic workshop is likely to take about two-thirds of a day. Combine it with the Team Building workshop for a full-on day.

Please note that it may not be possible to achieve all the learning objectives in shorter versions of workshops.


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Co-operative Assistance Network Limited

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 No. 30714R 

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