The Co-operative and Social Enterprise Development Worker Training Programme (CASEDWTP) is a programme developed by a team of practitioners with (collectively) decades of experience in this field of professional activity.
CASEDWTP is delivered through a mix of
- Directly delivered workshops
- Directed and supported research
- Reflection, reporting and analysis of professional activity
It is designed to reflect and fit with the actual or preferred development activity of the individual professional and the organisation within which they carry out their paid or voluntary activity. The support of an existing professional development worker is essential. Where it is unavailable, CAN development workers can be contracted to provide this support.
Training is delivered by experienced trade professionals with training qualifications and experience. Additional learner support is provided by email and written feedback.
Course Structure
The programme delivered is, to some extent, negotiable with learners, course groups, employers and funders.
There are 12 core modules and 8 additional modules. Each module corresponds to one day’s or two half day’s workshop.
Module 1
1.1. Introduction to the course and
- How it works
- How to use it to best advantage
1.2. What is development work
- What it is
- Comparison with other kinds of work
1.3. Where does your role fit within your organisation?
- Your organisation’s aims – really
- Management structure
- Getting support
- Team working
- Team joining
Module 2
2.1. Social Enterprise
- What is the difference between social enterprise and the social economy?
- Definitions of social enterprise
- Definitions of different kinds of social enterprises
- Why do we bother with all these definitions?
- Mutuality/common ownership/community ownership
- Co-operatives: principles, culture, history, instances and implications
Module 3
3.1. Knowing/designing your project or service
- What is a project and what are you trying to achieve?
- What is a project plan?
- Objective setting
- Synergy with other projects
- Critical path analysis
- Identifying key players and other key inputs
- Use of steering groups and project partnerships
3.2. Monitoring and reporting
- Agreeing targets
- Appropriate measures of effectiveness
- Record keeping
- Statistical analysis
- Impact measurement
- Report writing
- Relationship management with funders and auditors
Module 4
4.1. Promotion of your project/organisation
- Marketing theory
- Customer centredness
- Who are the customers?
- Internal
- Potential partners / collaborators
- Marketing agents
- Customers / clients
- Marketing material
- Design / use of designers / the style bible
- Public Relations
- Media liaison / press office
- Public speaking, making presentations
- Using websites
Module 5
5.1. Networking
- Why?
- Mapping and targeting
- Selecting and joining networks
- Making connections and initial contacts
- Creating an Information Pack
- Negotiating and doing business
- Setting up partnerships and making them productive
5.2 Negotiating Skills
- Clarifying your position
- Understanding others position
- Establishing good process
- Getting a sustainable outcome
Module 6
6.1. Equal opportunity / working for inclusion
- The nature of exclusion
- Excluded groups
- Equal opportunity strategies in development work
Module 7
7.1. Enquiry handling
- Contact recording / use of databases
- Front end client contact
- Telephone enquiry handling
- Information handouts design and authorship
- Target setting for response rate
7.2 Counselling / Advising
- Check list
- Finding out why they are there
- Describing your service
- Giving advice
- Dealing with strops
- Developing an initial contract
- Signposting
- Recording and written follow up
- Listening skills
- The productive conversation
- Websites and email
Module 8
8.1. Working with groups
- Getting the group dynamics right
- Creating a good working environment
- Setting objectives
- Developing a you do we do contract
- Facilitation
- Developing group cohesion
- Building democracy
- Psychological ownership
8.2. Problem spotting and solving
- Finding problems
- Analysing causes
- Defining improvement process
- Engaging group members
Module 9
9.1. Feasibility Assessment or Study
- Key points checklist
- Degree of difficulty
- Assessing the key needs, critical success factors
- Assessing people commitment and ability
- Doing the first number model – are we in the ballpark?
9.2. Risk analysis
- What it is?
- How to do it
- Fall back strategy development
- Exit strategies
9.3. Self Management
- Time budgeting and management
- Avoiding isolation and despair
- How to say “No”
- Assertive behaviour
- Creating a safe working environment
Module 10
10.1. Business Planning
- What is a business plan?
- Inputs and outputs
- Defining the product or service
- What that means in terms of production and organisation
- Defining the market
- Market research
- Marketing plan
- People, fitting the team to the business
- Ownership / control / legal structure
- Legal structures and registration processes
Module 11
11.1. Funding for clients
- Generating robust financial forecasts
- Quantifying investment requirements
- Identifying appropriate sources
- Communicating
- Making successful applications
- Keeping up the relationship
Module 12
12.1. Quality Assurance
- Quality checking
- Setting standards
- Quality measurement
- Continuous improvement
- Sustainable service
- Value for money
12.2. Action Planning
- Personal development
- Action plans
- Mutual support systems
- Completing the course / qualifications
Additional Modules
1.Company rescue, succession, and employee ownership models
2.Existing co-operative/social enterprise expansion planning
3.Training programme development and management
4.Secondary co-operatives / consortia development
5.Mutual Guarantee Schemes
6.Social firm development
8.Company Structure bespoke development
How it all works
- Each Module is a stand-alone training day in its own right
- The course can be used as a smorgasbord from which to select training Modules of particular value to each individual
- Together these Modules add up to a coherent and comprehensive training programme for a professional Development Worker
- Learners need to show proof that they have acquired and applied skills and knowledge through the production of “evidence”
- This evidence should largely be generated through the continuing work of each development worker (since the programme is designed to support such activity). There will, however be some additional written work and some time implication for evidence collation
- No-one is ever adjudged to have “failed” anything
Tutor support is available through email. This covers:
- Clarification or re-enforcement of learning in previous sessions
- Response to evidence provided for assessment
- Tutor support does not cover support in application of learning “at the coalface” in delivering projects or undertaking casework. This is a separate CAN product: Development Worker Mentoring Service.
This version November 2010